Show first names starting with
[no first name] " ' ( * , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 < ? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ` { « Æ Ø “
All first names beginning with [, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):
1. [ (1) 2. [1 (2) 3. [10 (2) 4. [11 (2) 5. [12 (1) 6. [13 (1) 7. [15 (1) 8. [2 (25) 9. [28 (1) 10. [3 (25) 11. [4 (19) 12. [5 (12) 13. [6 (12) |
14. [7 (3) 15. [8 (2) 16. [9 (4) 17. [ancestiors] (1) 18. [ancestors (2) 19. [ancestors] (141) 20. [ancestry] (3) 21. [ancstors] (1) 22. [Anna] (2) 23. [children] (1) 24. [counts (1) 25. [daughters] (2) 26. [decendants] (1) |
27. [delete (3) 28. [delete] (6) 29. [died (1) 30. [Dorothea] (1) 31. [duaghters] (1) 32. [Florence]? (1) 33. [four (1) 34. [geslacht (1) 35. [Heinrich (1) 36. [Hohenzollern] (1) 37. [hollandse (1) 38. [illegitimate (12) 39. [illegitimate] (2) |
40. [illegitmate (1) 41. [illegitmate] (1) 42. [issie] (2) 43. [isssue] (10) 44. [isssu] (1) 45. [issue (29) 46. [issue] (3692) 47. [issue]] (2) 48. [issu] (4) 49. [isue] (5) 50. [isuue] (1) 51. [Mabilia] (1) 52. [missing (1) |
53. [parentage] (2) 54. [Poss] (1) 55. [son] (1) 56. [ssue] (4) 57. [stillborn] (1) 58. [temp] (2) 59. [two (1) 60. [unknown] (2) 61. [Wilhelmine] (1) 62. [without (5) 63. []issue (1) |